EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT HOMECOMING! All the answers to your questions in ONE convenient space! Visit www.gunterhoco.com for all the details! HOCO Trailer: https://fb.watch/7UZdXoNTTe/
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
hoco image
GMS Volleyball Schedule Update: There has been a change to the MS Volleyball schedule. The game scheduled for Thursday, October 14th against Howe will now be played on Monday, October 11th at home.
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Gunter ISD is excited about our new website and app! To learn more about customizing the app to fit your needs, please watch this video. https://youtu.be/hcGfAgRkApM
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
app image
GMS and GHS students don't forget your ID to get into the game!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
show ID graphic
Friday Night Guidelines for MS Students 👍🐅👀
over 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Friday Night Stadium Guidelines
Friday Night Guidelines for MS Students 👍🐅👀
over 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Friday Night Stadium Guidelines
Parents, Updated Friday Night Info $3 entry for students OR Grades 5-8 get in with Student ID There are specific protocols and the students have been briefed. Email Mr. Dodd w/Questions This info is also going out via REMIND See you tomorrow night at Tiger Stadium
over 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
FNL - 9/2/21
There have been updates to the middle school volleyball schedule. Here is the most up to date version.
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
volleyball schedule
Don't forget that Monday, September 6th is Labor Day. This is a school holiday. Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
It seems like yesterday that he was sitting in the student desks of Gunter ISD. Now he sits in the BIG desk at Gunter Middle School, and we are so happy to have him back. Trey Carr is a forever Gunter Tiger!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Coach Carr
Students in Mrs. Morrison's science class put their new Ford Scholar Greenhouse to use that was donated by Gunter graduate, Cassady Craddock. The students used it to put the steps of the scientific method into practice. Students planted grass seed and are testing the effects of the amount of sunlight on the grass. The greenhouse was perfect for this experiment and students will see results and draw conclusions within the next couple of weeks.
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
students planting grass seeds
students in front of greenhouse
students planting grass seeds
students planting grass seeds
Parents/Students: Please note the Friday Night Protocols for GMS students at Tiger Stadium. *This information is also on Remind.
over 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Friday Night  - GMS Students
We hope to see you at Tiger Field for the 1st OFFICIAL game of the 2021 Football season tomorrow night (8/27) vs Sunnyvale! Please remember the entry fee is $5 per person to enter the gate. Kickoff is 7:30 PM!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
gate fee $5
Volleyball Youth Night is Tuesday, August 31st. Come on out and support the Lady Tigers as they face Celina and get a glimpse of the future of Gunter Volleyball at the same time!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
volleyball picture
Please be on the lookout for our school buses. STOP means STOP. If you need to review the laws regarding school buses, please visit https://www.drive-safely.net/school-bus-laws/#texas
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Stop means stop pic
We are excited to announce that our awesome cafeteria staff has earned the TDA 2021 Spring Farm Fresh Challenge Award for the 10th year in a row! The TDA Farm Fresh Challenge is a fun and engaging way to earn recognition for their efforts in serving local foods in our cafeterias.
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Best of the Bunch Award
Here is a printable football schedule compliments of Laci Bracewell!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
football schedule
GMS Bell Schedule…a few folks asking today 👍🐅😎💯
over 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
GMS Bell Schedule
DC/NY Spring 2022 Trip - Parent Meeting This Week. See details...
over 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Parent Meeting for GMS DC/NY Trip Spring 2022
GMS Parents: Please join your student's Class Remind Account This is our best method to quickly provide important information We are trying to distribute Devices and need to obtain document. Instructions will go out via REMIND. THANK YOU!
over 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Remind Accounts