Daylight Saving Time! Spring Forward :) Don't forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour tonight.
3 days ago, Gunter ISD
Spring Forward poster
Gunter ISD will be closed the week of March 10-14 for Spring Break. Relax, Refresh, Renew! Enjoy this time with your families and friends.
4 days ago, Gunter ISD
Spring Break March 10-14
8th Grade Parents - It's TIME! Our high school counselors will be holding an 8th grade parent meeting tonight (2/27) at 6 PM in the GHS Commons. This will be an informational meeting covering 9th grade course selections, as well as endorsements, graduation requirements and more.
12 days ago, Gunter ISD
8th Grade parent mtg
The GISD bus drivers have noticed some great behaving students on their buses this month. If your child comes home with a surprise treat, they were one of them! The elementary students will receive their treat today, and the middle school students will receive their treat on Monday. In total, 48 elementary and 54 middle school students earned the reward for great bus behavior this month. Each student received (or will receive) a bookmark and a yummy snack from Transportation Director, Nicole Mann.
13 days ago, Gunter ISD
Bookmarks for bus safety
8th Grade Parents - Don't Forget! Our GHS counselors will be holding an 8th grade parent night on 2/27 at 6 PM in the high school commons. This will be an informational meeting covering 9th grade course selections, as well as endorsements, graduation requirements and more.
15 days ago, Gunter ISD
Parent Night poster
CAMP INVENTION IS COMING TO HOWE! This is open to all students in grades K-6, from Howe and other surrounding schools. If interested, please do not let the cost of the camp scare you away! There is a code for a $40 discount, and payment plans are available. A grant to lower the cost for all students who sign up is in the works. This discount would depend on the amount of grant money received and the number of camp attendees. Finally, a crowdfunding link has been set up so anyone can donate to help offset the total cost of the camp, bringing individual fees down as well. Link to Crowdfunding Site: For questions or more information, please contact Floyd Webb:
19 days ago, Gunter ISD
Camp Invention poster
Camp Invention poster (spanish)
Due to inclement weather, Gunter ISD will start school 2 hours later on Wednesday, February 19th. All bus routes will also run 2 hours later than normal. With the continued precipitation and freezing temperatures overnight, we feel the safest thing to do is to wait and give the roads a chance to warm up before our buses, faculty, and students drive on them. Stay warm and safe! Also, with the temperatures below freezing, middle and high school will not have monitored traffic by our police officers. It's much too cold for them to be outside for a long period of time. Please drive friendly.
21 days ago, Gunter ISD
2 hour delay poster
8th Grade Parents - Mark YOUR Calendar! Our counselors will be holding an 8th grade parent night on 2/27 at 6 PM in the high school commons. This will be an informational meeting covering 9th grade course selections, as well as endorsements, graduation requirements and more.
21 days ago, Gunter ISD
8th Grade Parent Night Poster
Be sure to thank your School Resource Officer for everything they do to keep the campuses safe!
24 days ago, Gunter ISD
Thank you to the officers who keep us safe each and every day!
Don't forget! Gunter ISD will be closed on Friday and Monday to observe the Presidents Day holiday.
26 days ago, Gunter ISD
Presidents day reminder
Middle School Picture Retakes February 13th Please review the Garner Studio Retake Policy in the image. The link to purchase a package is
29 days ago, Gunter ISD
Garner Studio  Retake Policy
Gunter ISD will be closed Friday, February 14th and Monday, February 17th for a 4 day weekend in observance of Presidents Day. Enjoy this time with family and friends!
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
White House poster that says Presidents Day
National School Counselor Appreciation Week February 3-7 Thank you to the amazing counselors at GISD who help our students put the pieces together in their life. Our Tigers are lucky to have you at their schools! Be sure to thank these people for everything they do! High School Counselors - Katy Johnson and Mandy Biros Middle School Counselor - Jessica Hogan Elementary School Counselor - Tara Rice
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
Counselor thank you poster
The February issue of the Tiger Times has been released. You may view it here:
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
February Tiger times
Good luck to our littlest Tigers who will be competing at the Academic UIL Competition today! We know you'll make us proud :)
about 1 month ago, Gunter ISD
Good luck
It's tonight! Get your ticket and come on out! GIFT BINGO Night! Tickets and information can be found here: Bring the whole family! We'll start the fun at 5 PM
about 2 months ago, Gunter ISD
Message from the coaching staff... The south-end (scoreboard side) of our track is undergoing repair for the next few days. The track surface will need time to cure before it is complete. These areas will be sectioned off. Please help us out by staying away from these areas. This will extend through the weekend, so if any of you are at the stadium enjoying the weather, please help us ensure the track has the best chance to get fixed without any problems. Thank you!
about 2 months ago, Shelli Neely
it did get cold last night, but our parking lots, sidewalks, and the roads are dry and safe to travel. School will start at regular time. (1/21/25) GO TIGERS!!
about 2 months ago, Shelli Neely
If you plan on going to the basketball games tonight for Youth Night, you're in for a treat! The concessions will have Chick Fil A and Papa John's Pizza!
about 2 months ago, Shelli Neely
Don't forget YOUTH NIGHT on the basketball court tonight, Friday, January 17th! - @ Girl's halftime around 6:15 PM - @ Boy's halftime around 7:00 PM We hope to see all of our FUTURE TIGERS AND LADY TIGERS on the court!
about 2 months ago, Gunter ISD
Youth Night