Dances are back!! We hope to see the 7th and 8th grade students on February 12th!
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Dance Info: February 12/ 7-9:30PM / $10 per person
Tiger Family, Due to continued inclement weather, and temperatures forecasted to not rise above freezing, Gunter ISD has decided the safest course of action for our students and faculty will be to cancel school on Friday, February 4th. All extra-curricular activities will be canceled. Have a safe weekend and stay warm!
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
School Closed - Feb 4
Tiger Family, Due to the possibility of freezing rain and icy roads, Gunter ISD has decided the safest course of action is to cancel school on Thursday, February 3rd. - All after school activities will be canceled. We will continue to monitor the situation overnight to determine the course of action for Friday, February 4th.
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
School Closing - February 3
Please make a note of this number and set it as a contact in your phone so that it will display as Gunter ISD when we call. When you receive a phone call from the Gunter ISD communication system, it will come from 501.712.2633.
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
cell phone with number on it
GMS Cheer Tryout Info See attached
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Cheer Tryout Info
The Daddy/Daughter Dance sponsored by the GIFT Foundation will be held this Saturday, February 5th from 6-8 PM at the High School Commons. $25 per dad and daughter(s) Cast Iron Photography will be taking photos for you to purchase.
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Dance Flyer
Good Morning! The February issue of the Tiger Times is now available for viewing and/or download at
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Cover of Tiger Times - February issue
7th & 8th Grade Valentine Dance - February 12 | 7-9:30 PM | $10/person
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Dance promotion
REMINDER! Today is the last day to purchase a 21-22 middle school yearbook. Be sure to get your order to the middle school.
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Parents of Non-Resident Students, If you currently DO NOT live in GISD boundaries (either moved out of district and we approved your continued enrollment OR were previously accepted as a non-resident transfer) a letter from admin has been sent to your address. You must complete the 22-23 application and return it as soon as possible. DUE FEBRUARY 11th GISD is no longer accepting NEW non-resident students. It is important we process our current non-resident students and approve their applications for planning purposes. The letter you are receiving in the mail explains this process. Thank you!
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Parents: Be advised that two students reported testing posted for Covid-19 in the last twenty-four hours. You can stay informed by visiting Remember: you can attend school if you are fever free, asymptomatic, and have not tested positive for C19 in the last five days.
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
LAST CHANCE to order the 21-22 GUNTER MIDDLE SCHOOL YEARBOOK! Last day to order is FRIDAY 1.28.22 Online orders only. Click the link to order.
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Dances are Back! We hope to see the 5th and 6th grade students here!
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Dance information - January 29 7-9 pm $10 per person
Parents: Be advised that two students reported testing posted for Covid-19 in the last twenty-four hours. You can stay informed by visiting Remember: you can attend school if you are fever free, asymptomatic, and have not tested positive for C19 in the last five days.
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Parents: Be advised that one staff member and four students reported testing posted for Covid-19 in the last twenty-four hours.You can stay informed by visiting Remember: you can attend school if you are fever free, asymptomatic, and have not tested positive for C19 in the last five days.
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
5th & 6th Grade Winter Dance - January 29 | 7-9 PM | $10/person
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Dance promotion
Parents: Be advised that six students reported testing positive for Covid 19 since Friday. You can stay up to date with information posted on our website Students should only attend school if fever free for 24 hours, not exhibiting symptoms, and have not tested positive for Covid 19 in the last five days.
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Parents: Be advised that four students and one staff member reported testing positive for Covid 19. in the last twenty-four hours. You can stay up to date with information posted on our website Students should only attend school if fever free for 24 hours, not exhibiting symptoms, and have not tested positive for Covid 19 in the last five days.
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Parents: Be advised that we have a number of students (currently six since yesterday Monday 1/10) and several teachers between the HS and MS that have tested positive for Covid 19. You can stay up to date with information posted on our website Students should only attend school if fever free for 24 hours, not exhibiting symptoms, and have not tested positive for Covid 19 in the last five days.
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School
Parents, Be advised that GMS student(s) reported testing positive for Covid19. Notifications and updated district protocols are available using the link provided: Students with fever, symptomatic, or that have tested positive in the last five days should not come to school.
about 3 years ago, Gunter Middle School