GES and GMS picture retakes have been scheduled with Garner Studio for February 13th. More information about ordering pictures will be sent closer to the date.
about 2 months ago, Gunter ISD
retake day 2/13
Gunter ISD will be closed on January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
about 2 months ago, Gunter ISD
MLK Quote
Snowmen, snowball fights, snow forts, snow angels, tractors pulling "sleds"... We saw all the fun you had on our two snow days, and we loved the happy faces! Here's one more thing to make that smile even bigger... we recalculated our minutes and realized that we do not have to make up Friday's snow day. We have enough minutes banked in our calendar to cover that day and will not have to come to school on February 14th.
about 2 months ago, Gunter ISD
Important Message
The snow will continue to fall off and on all night long. With the freezing temperatures continuing throughout the night, the roads will be too hazardous for our students, faculty, and buses to drive on. Therefore, Gunter ISD will be closed, tomorrow, January 10th. * Important: The closure today (Thursday, January 9th) was our final "extra day" allotted in our calendar for times such as these. We will have to make up tomorrow's cancellation to stay in compliance with the state. That said, Friday, February 14th is now a regular school day. Please make the appropriate corrections to your calendar.
2 months ago, Gunter ISD
No school 1/10
Due to the impending "blustery forecast" for our area, Gunter ISD will not have school on Thursday, January 9th. Safety is a big concern during winter weather events, and we would rather not have our students and teachers driving on slippery roads. Stay warm and we will keep watching the roads to determine our action for Friday.
2 months ago, Gunter ISD
Weather map of snow and ice
Winter break is winding down and we are excited to see you back in the halls of your campus! - Teachers/Staff return Tuesday, January 7th. - Students return Wednesday, January 8th
2 months ago, Gunter ISD
reminder to come back to school
Happy New Year! The January issue of the Tiger Times has been published. Read it right here:
2 months ago, Gunter ISD
Happy New Year
Are you a Kroger shopper? If so, you can help our Gunter Tiger Band program every time you make a purchase, and it won't cost you anything! All you have to do is make sure GT Band Boosters is marked as your designated Community Rewards Organization. Screenshots are below to help you choose us as your designated organization. Just go to the home screen, click on Rewards, and then Community Rewards. You can search for us "GT BAND BOOSTERS" in the organizations list. And that's it! When you shop, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to support GMS Band, GHS Band, and GHS Color Guard! Every time you shop we get a small %. Every little bit helps!
3 months ago, Gunter ISD
instructions visualized
Tiger Nation, The football team has advanced to the State Semi-Final Round of the playoffs, and we are so excited and proud of their success. The game is set for Friday, December 13th at 4:00 PM at Abilene Christian University. With the game set for 4 PM in Abilene, we will be canceling school to give all of our fans plenty of time to travel. Why 4 PM? ACU has graduation at 6 PM and they need to manage the traffic flow for both events. We would love to see a sea of blue at Wildcat Stadium! STATE SEMI-FINAL GAME INFORMATION Gunter vs Wall Friday, December 13, 2024 | 4pm Abilene Christian University - Wildcat Stadium Gunter is home team.
3 months ago, Gunter ISD
graphic to announce no school 12/13
Happy December 1st! Click here to read the December issue of the Tiger Times:
3 months ago, Gunter ISD
Tiger Times
Have a safe Thanksgiving Break!
4 months ago, Gunter ISD
Thanksgiving Break
Attention Parents of ELEMENTARY Route #1 (Tier 2) We will be splitting this route and loading this group at the elementary at 3:25 PM today. If your child normally rides Route #1/Tier 2, they will arrive home approximately 30 minutes before their normal arrival time. Please be home and ready to greet your children. Happy Thanksgiving!
4 months ago, Gunter ISD
Wrestling T-shirts and sweatshirts are now on sale through December 2nd! All proceeds will go to the middle school and high school wrestling programs. Thanks for your support!
4 months ago, Gunter ISD
November is National Diabetes Month. Not just this month, but every month, stand with those who fight this fight every day of their life. Diabetes can happen to anyone at any stage in their life. Know the warning signs -
4 months ago, Gunter ISD
November Awareness Month Diabetes
Reminder - GISD will be out for Thanksgiving Break November 25 - 29.
4 months ago, Gunter ISD
Break reminder
Missed the deadline? Want a playoff shirt? You get one more chance to order your football playoff shirts! Deadline to order is MONDAY, November 18th @ 3 PM. Shirts will be ready before the next playoff game.
4 months ago, Gunter ISD
blue tshirt
Message from our Awesome PTO: Hey Gunter Middle School families! This Thanksgiving, let’s show our wonderful GMS staff just how grateful we are for all they do by treating them to some delicious pies! 🧡 Your generosity will help us sweeten the Thanksgiving season for our amazing staff. Let’s come together and make this a special holiday for them. Thank you for your support! 🥧💙 Link to donate for Pie Fundraiser:
4 months ago, Gunter ISD
Pie fundraiser
Be sure to order your football playoff shirts! The playoff roster will be on the back of them. Deadline to order TODAY, November 8th @ 3 PM.
4 months ago, Gunter ISD
Thank you to the Veterans who participated in our Annual Veterans Day Celebration today! This ceremony is held to honor YOU. Please watch for a special slide show presentation that will come out on Veterans Day (November 11th) highlighting the celebration.
4 months ago, Gunter ISD
photo of veterans
Informational GMS Girls Athletics Post: The girls middle school basketball games have been canceled for tonight - 11/4/24
4 months ago, Gunter ISD