Don't forget to get your tickets!
GMS 5th & 6th Grade Theatre Proudly Presents: Disney's 101 Dalmatians Kids!
Ticket Link: https://gunterisd.hometownticketing.com/embed/all?schools=3&single=0

Your students received a hard copy of their course selection sheets for 2023-2024.
You may register by visiting the GMS Homepage
selecting the GMS Course Selections pdf. T
There are links to Google Docs.
Select the link for your student (next year's grade) and complete.
Please note these selections are not written in stone and corrections or changes can be resubmitted using the same process.
Contact information is on the PDF!

Message from Food Service Department:
Students will not be allowed to charge after April 1st.

Spring Forward - March 12th. Remember to move your clocks ahead an hour before you go to sleep! Enjoy your week!

Attn: 5th Grade Parents: It was so fun to meet so many of you this past Monday. Thank you for coming! Our LAST try the instrument night is tonight Monday, March 6th from 5pm to 8pm! Be sure to sign-up to avoid a longer wait. Click here https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094ea5ad28a1f85-instrument4#/ for appointment times.
Please notify me or Mrs. Katz if you would like a private screening if you are unable to make it.
Trying out instruments does NOT enroll your child in band but is a good opportunity for your child to explore something new! Your child will get the chance to try ALL the instruments of the band at this “instrument petting zoo.” As a parent, you will also be able to ask a director questions about the Gunter Tiger Band Program.
Try the Instrument Night will be conducted in the High School Band Hall located next to the Event Center from the Commons. When you arrive, park in the South parking lot and enter the Commons from the glass double doors on the South side (Tiger Lane/Band lot). There will be signs to direct you to the band hall.
We are excited to present this opportunity to your child and look forward to visiting with your family!
Have a great weekend,
Mr. Kennedy

ALL GISD activities for this evening are cancelled.
Please be safe while traveling home this evening.

Reminder: Cheer packets are due Friday, February 24th at 3:45 PM .

We hope you and your student(s) enjoy the LONG weekend. We look forward to seeing everyone on Tuesday.
We wanted to let you know that we covered several topics with all students this morning - general logistical reminders that help us maintain a safe campus.
One of the topics is AFTER SCHOOL hours and weekends.
It is important that students exit campus in a timely manner unless they have a scheduled event (band/theater sectional, athletic practice, etc.). All students not involved in an after school activity should be picked up in car line or ride the bus home.
Students with after school events should be picked up as soon as possible once the event/activity ends.
Students are not to be "hanging out" on campus or inside buildings. This has been reinforced to all GMS students.
Thank you as always for supporting us as we work together to effectively educate our students.
Have a GREAT Friday

REMINDER: Gunter ISD will be IN School on Friday, 2/17. The day was set as a Health/Safety/Weather day, and now is a regular school day to make up the instructional time lost during the ice storm.
Gunter ISD will be closed in observance of Presidents' Day on February 20th.

Cheer Tryout Parent Meeting
6pm GMS Library
*a parent must attend for their student to tryout

✌️Things for Monday.
1. Upcoming dances (NEXT Friday/Sat 24-25)
5th and 6th 2/24
GMS 5th and 6th graders only / no students from other schools
*Same for 7th and 8th on 2/25*
2. GMS Cheer Tryout Packets will be available in GMS Office by end of today (3:45).
Have a GreaT Monday

Daddy daughter dance is coming up this Saturday, February 4th! Don't miss the fun! This event is sponsored by GIFT. Tickets can still be purchased at guntergift.com

Attention: Wednesday, January 25 ... We have checked the roads and found them to be safe for driving. School at GISD will begin at regular time.

Important Announcement: Gunter High School and Gunter Middle School are presently in a Lockdown DRILL beginning at 10:20 AM on January 23rd. Following this DRILL, we will run a practice evacuation DRILL, and the students will exit the buildings. These are just DRILLS.

January 27th is the last chance for you to order your Gunter Middle School yearbook and/or recognition ad. If you're seeing this right now, and thinking, "I need to do that," stop right now and do it... because you know you'll forget!

Softball is gearing up for their season! Help them in their fundraising efforts to purchase new equipment and uniforms by going to: guntertees.com and purchasing some GT Softball shirts. Orders must be placed by January 29th.
Thanks for your support!

Brittany Pinnon, GYA’s Baseball commissioner, asked us to share the link below. They are trying to fill spots for the 12U baseball team.
Email Brittany Pinnon

Gunter Football Fans!
YOU have an opportunity to share in the STATE experience by purchasing a ring just like the ones our team will be receiving! If you would like to order a ring, come up to the high school this morning (January 6th) at 9AM.
The representative will be here to help with sizing and take orders.
We don't have a final picture of the ring at the moment as they are putting the finishing touches on the design. Just know that it will be fabulous 🙂
This is not a fundraiser, it is just an opportunity for you to purchase a memento.

Enjoy your New Years celebrations with your family and friends! If you are out and about tonight, please be extra careful on the roads!

Merry Christmas!
~ from our Tiger family to yours!