Athletic Paperwork
UIL REQUIRES new paperwork for each athlete for every year of participation. We are asking that this paperwork be filled out by Friday, May 3rd. This can be found on the athletics website. Please click on the portal link for RankOne to fill out all forms. ( > Click on Athletic Forms.
UIL REQUIRES all incoming 7th, 9th and 11th graders to have a new physical on file with their school. You must get a physical for your child for the upcoming school year if they are going into one of those grade levels listed. If your child has never been in our sports program, but wants to play in the upcoming year, they must have a physical no matter the grade level.
Steps to follow for the physical:
1. Print the physical form from our Athletic webpage ( > Click on Athletic Forms.
2. Take the form with you to a doctor of your choosing. Children's Health offers physicals by appointment. See the information brochure on our Athletics website under Athletic Forms.
3. Bring the printed form (filled out and signed by a physician) sometime this spring or summer to Coach Barham or Coach Fieszel.