We are gearing up for the 23-24 school year. Several meetings have been scheduled to help you transition into the school year at Gunter ISD. Please be sure to mark your calendar for the meetings that pertain to your child's grade level(s). Click here to view the schedule for all 3 campuses. https://5il.co/1zcm8
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Seniors: August 2nd has been reserved for Gunter HS Seniors to take your formal senior picture for the yearbook and other graduation publications. Please read the letter from Garner Studio at https://5il.co/201ui. The letter explains the procedure to follow on that day.
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Senior Portrait Day
Mark your calendar for the Before School Meeting and Activity schedule. https://5il.co/1zcm8 We are excited to see you!
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Tiger with glasses
Summer Assignments for GHS AP students. Mr. Moore - Honors Chemistry You will find the assignment in the Google Classroom. Join with code: xdkgzw5 Mrs. McDonald - Honors Biology You will find the assignment in the google Classroom. Join with the code: inyowj3 or click here: https://classroom.google.com/c/NjA5MjMwNjcyOTcx?cjc=inyowj3 Coach DelAngel - AP Language - Click here to access the file: https://5il.co/1uxrw
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Mark your calendar for "Meet the Tiger" night. Saturday, August 5th. Food trucks, bounce houses, scrimmage, band/cheer, fall athlete intros & autographs! The scrimmage will begin around 5:00 PM and the Introductions will begin around 7:00 PM.
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Please don't forget that our email system is down for maintenance until July 10th. If you need immediate assistance, call the administration office at 903.433.4750.
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
2023 High School Schedule Pick Up Dates: Seniors: Thursday, August 3rd, 4:00-6:00 pm | Juniors/ Sophomores: Friday, August 4th, 10:00 am-4:00 pm | Freshman Orientation/Schedule Pick Up: Monday, August 7th t 6:30-8:00 pm – will begin in the commons area.
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
2023 - 24 School Supply Lists: Elementary - https://5il.co/1y04w | Middle School - https://5il.co/1y04x | High School - Coming soon (Most teachers in high school will give a list the 1st week of school. We will post those who have a list soon.)
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Band Students! Come and meet your new directors on Monday, June 26th. Beginners should come at 11 AM and returning band members should come at 12:30 PM. If you have questions about band or this meeting, please contact the directors: Mr. Johnson - ajohnson@gunterisd.org Mr. Nguyen - dnguyen@faculty.gunterisd.org
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Gunter Tiger Boys Basketball Summer 2023 Calendar: https://5il.co/1vv06. This calendar includes practice times for 7th/8th grade boys and high school boys basketball throughout the summer.
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
GAME 3! BASEBALL NEEDS YOU IN THE STANDS AGAIN(June 2nd @ 7PM) ! Fill the stands and get loud! Here's all the info: https://gunterisd.org/page/athletics Location: Denton High School
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
BASEBALL NEEDS YOU IN THE STANDS TONIGHT (June 1st @ 7PM) ! Fill the stands and get loud! Here's all the info: https://gunterisd.org/page/athletics Location: Denton High School
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
baseball playoffs
Construction Zone: Fencing has gone up between the middle and high school. Gunter Bond 2022 is in the beginning stages of mobilization for the GMS/GHS construction. For your safety, please do not enter that area. Bond Update Website: https://www.gisdbondprogress.com/
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Heading to the 3A Region 2 Baseball Finals? Tickets are online ONLY. Click below to purchase. See the Gunter ISD site for all the info! https://gofan.co/app/school/TX12422 - No cash will be accepted
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Don't forget about the GMS and GHS Art Show tonight! You will be amazed at the talent we have in our district. The theme is: Time Capsule: Capturing Something to Remember. | Tuesday, May 16, 2023 | 6:30 pm-7:30 pm | GHS Events Center.
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Don't forget! The GMS/GHS Band Concert is tonight (5/11/23). The beginning band will be on stage at 6PM and then the the GMS/GHS/Colorguards will begin their performance at 7PM. Hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
Many summer sport camps are offered by our Gunter ISD coaches. If you're interested in signing your child up, check out all of the camps here: https://www.gunterisd.org/page/summer-camps1
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
Summer Athletic Sport Camps
We will be sending our Gunter Tiger Track Team off to the STATE Tournament tomorrow (5/10) at 10AM in front of the high school. You are invited to come and cheer them on as they drive through!
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
state track send off
You are invited to attend our NHS Induction Ceremony tonight (May 2nd) at 6:00 PM in the GHS Commons.
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
The May issue of the Tiger Times has been published. Access it here: https://www.smore.com/jpf2v
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD