GHS students learned all about good and bad driving habits this morning during the Baylor Scott & White presentation, "Impact
Teen Drivers".
The presentation was full of information that everyone should be reminded of... Yes, we mean you!
Every distraction that takes your hands from the wheel, your eyes off the road, or even lessens your hearing of things outside your vehicle increases your risk for a crash.
Good people making bad decisions have caused many accidents.
Some people think it's okay to...
- have animated conversations with their passengers
- play their music a little too loud
- act silly behind the wheel
- text and drive
- drive too fast
- feel around for that dropped french fry
- lean over to pick up something from the floor
.................. it's okay in your mind..... UNTIL IT'S NOT.
You don't get a "do-over" in these situations. Please be a good role model for your young drivers and stay attentive behind the wheel.
Thank you to Chief Satre for working with Baylor Scott & White to bring this presentation to GHS to remind our students to drive safely. Our students are important to us, and we want them to stay safe.