It was our honor to present Mr. Asa Thornhill to the GISD School Board on November 18th as our Fall Faculty Award recipient. It is exciting to have him back in Gunter! Mr. Thornhill graduated from Gunter High School in 1998 and earned his bachelor’s degree from Southeastern Oklahoma State University. This is his 21st year teaching Social Studies. Mr. Thornhill states, “I chose teaching because I love learning and hope to share that with my students. I had great teachers at Gunter, and I hope to play a part in the legacy.” Students are definitely lucky to have him as a teacher! We see the hands on lessons that provide a sense of excitement in learning, the high fives in the halls, and encouragement he is willing to offer students at GHS. Mr. Thornhill also offers encouragement to his fellow teachers, which is always a welcomed attribute on any campus. Thank you for everything you do to make our campus the best it can be!

Fall Faculty Award
November 19, 2024