Check off all of the things to do for Homecoming 2024!
The HOCO 2024 website has all the information you need for everything on this list. Click Here
Friday, October 4th - Deadlines!! That's this Friday :)
Homecoming Tailgate Vendors Needed - Sign up by 10/4 -
Parade Float Entries - Sign up by 10/4 - Click here
Gather your costumes for all of the dress up days:
Monday - Pajama Day
Tuesday - Dress in your favorite decade
Wednesday - Teacher / Student Swap Day (Dress like a teacher)
Thursday - Anything but a backpack
Friday - Blue/White Tiger Pride, or Gold for the Golden Era
GHS Students - Buy your dance tickets NOW - Click here
The dance is on Saturday @ GHS
Wednesday is the Tailgate -
The tailgate starts at 6 PM in the middle school parking lot
The pep rally will be at Tiger Field beginning and 7:30 PM
Friday is the busiest day of the week!
Early Release at all campuses!
- Floats should be ready and parked at Grace Bible Church between 1:45-2:00 PM
- Spectators line Hwy 289 - Parade begins at 2:30 PM
- After the parade pick up your children from their floats in the Home parking lot at the high school
- Volleyball @ 4:30 and 5:30 PM
- Coronation @ 7:00 PM on the football field
- Football @ 7:30 PM