Let’s support our Tigers with a dress up day tomorrow! See details below: Country Club vs. Country
about 3 years ago, Heather Hale
pep rally
Come out and support our Lady Tiger Volleyball team in the state semifinals. The link to purchase tickets is below. Parking will also be $10. https://tickets.curtisculwellcenter.com/p/ticket/2021-uil-state-volleyball-tournament
about 3 years ago, Heather Hale
Here it is! Your information link to purchase your STATE VOLLEYBALL tickets! https://tickets.curtisculwellcenter.com/.../2021-uil... ** There is a $10 parking fee, so be prepared 🙂
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Good luck to our Lady Tiger Volleyball team in the regional finals tonight in Midlothian! GES is cheering for you!
about 3 years ago, Heather Hale
volleyball team
GES is proud very proud of our Veterans and enjoyed the opportunity to honor all of their sacrifices to our country.
about 3 years ago, Heather Hale
3rd grade
November 13th - Chamber Choir’s Annual Character Dinner! This year’s theme is Villains! Join us for an evening of Villain songs by the Gunter High School Chamber Choir. Meet your favorite Villains, and feel free to dress up if you like! Please direct all questions to Ms. Deibert at adeibert@gunterisd.org. See you there! Tickets will be on sale until NOON on WEDNESDAY! As this is a catered event, no tickets will be sold at the door. Get your tickets today before it is too late at tinyurl.com/GHSCharacter
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Theatre Masks
3rd grade Veteran’s Day Program
about 3 years ago, Heather Hale
Veterans Day
Don't forget that our staff and faculty will be working to make our school the best it can be on October 25th. This is a professional development day, and STUDENTS WILL NOT BE IN SCHOOL. Enjoy the time with your family :)
about 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
October 25 Professional Dev't Day
Red Ribbon Week is October 25-29. Since we have a Professional Development Day scheduled for Monday, you get to stay home and wear your PJ's all day long!! The rest of the week, come dressed to show your support to say NO to drugs!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Monday - Have Dreams, Not Drugs - Stay home and relax in your Pajamas! Tuesday - Sock it to Drugs - Crazy Sock Day Wednesday - Drugs are Wacky and Tacky - Wacky Tacky Wednesday Thursday - Drugs are so OLD SKOOL - Decades Day Friday - My Future Is Too Bright for Drugs - Wear neon colors
Mrs. Harper's students had a day full of hands on learning yesterday. They were excited to change up the math manipulatives and practice place value! Then they got their hands dirty during a 5 senses pumpkin experiment. So much fun in one day!!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Kids with a pumpkin
Kids using jelly beans to count
kids using gummy worms in math
Don't forget - Columbus Day is October 11th. Students and faculty will not be in school. Enjoy the 3 day weekend!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
October 11 - School Holiday
October 5th is Gunter Elementary Spirit Night @ Chick-fil-A in Prosper. Mention Gunter Elementary when you place your order between 5-8 PM. Eat more chicken, and support our kiddos!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Don't forget to purchase tickets to the GIFT Round Up! The event is onOctober 16th @ 7PM. Only 200 Tickets will be sold! Get your tickets now at guntergift.com
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Gift Poster
Important reminders for the month of October. Please note the Professional Development Day is October 25th. Originally the newsletter had the 24th posted. I apologize for the error.
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Important Dates
The October issue of the Tiger Times has been released. If you are not on the email distribution list, you can always find the newsletters at https://www.gunterisd.org/page/newsletter
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Tiger Times cover - Homecoming King and Queen
Due to the storms being forecasted for Friday and Saturday night, we are making the following adjustments to the football games for this week. - Varsity will face off against Bells on Thursday, Sept 30th instead of Friday. The game is tentatively set for 6pm - Junior Varsity and Middle School games have been canceled for Thursday night.
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
The GES Book Fair is in full swing, and the students are finding so many great things! The GES Book Fair runs September 27-30 and will be set up in the GES Library. Parents are NOT allowed to attend this year, but you can shop virtually or send money with your student. Students will have two different opportunities to visit the book fair with their class, and it is so much fun for them to choose a new book and to pay for it themselves! If you want to know what date/time your student will be attending, please ask your student's teacher. Here is the virtual link for online purchases: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/gunterelementaryschool All proceeds support our library and our PTO... thank you for your support 🙂
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
Students looking at books on shelves
Students looking at books on shelves
student purchasing books
Students looking at books on shelves
With all the pink we saw today, we can't get the craving for Cotton Candy out of our minds! This is just a small sample of all the pink!! Tomorrow is our final Homecoming day. Don't forget to wear your spirit colors... blue, black and white!
over 3 years ago, Gunter ISD
pink dress up day
It's Book Fair Time! GES Book Fair will be NEXT WEEK - September 27-30, 2021! Parents are NOT allowed to attend this year, but you can shop virtually or send money with your student. Students will have two different opportunities to visit the book fair. If you want to know what date/time your student will be attending, please ask your student's teacher! Here is the virtual link: https://www.scholastic.com/bf/gunterelementaryschool The proceeds support our library and our PTO!!!
over 3 years ago, Elsie Wetzel
Book Fair
Tomorrow is the big day! HOCO 2021! Please don't forget that we have an EARLY RELEASE DAY. 2nd Tier bus routes will run first at 12:30 p.m., and then 1st tier (Elementary Students) will run at 1:00 p.m. Bus riders will be loaded at 12:50 p.m. and Car Line will start right after busses leave at 12:55 p.m. Schedule of events for tomorrow is below: Greatest Show on Turf Friday - Wear Blue and White Friday Activities: 1 PM EARLY RELEASE 1:45 PM Parade Line Up 2:30 PM Parade 4:00 PM Volleyball vs Whitewright 7 PM Coronation 7:30 PM Football Kickoff vs Whitewright
over 3 years ago, Heather Hale