We are gearing up for the 23-24 school year. Several meetings have been scheduled to help you transition into the school year at Gunter ISD. Please be sure to mark your calendar for the meetings that pertain to your child's grade level(s). Click here to view the schedule for all 3 campuses. https://5il.co/1zcm8
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Come "Chill out" with Mrs. Brackeen and Mrs. Keller at our Popsicles with Principals Night in the GES Cafeteria TONIGHT - Monday, July 24th from 6:30-7:30 p.m. We have missed you and look forward to seeing you!
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Graphic with info
Mark your calendar for the Before School Meeting and Activity schedule. https://5il.co/1zcm8 We are excited to see you!
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Tiger with glasses
Please don't forget that our email system is down for maintenance until July 10th. If you need immediate assistance, call the administration office at 903.433.4750.
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Important GES Notice: Beginning July 3rd, parents will receive a phone call notifying them if their child has been accepted into Pre-K for the 2023-2024 school year.
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
2023 - 24 School Supply Lists: Elementary - https://5il.co/1y04w | Middle School - https://5il.co/1y04x | High School - Coming soon (Most teachers in high school will give a list the 1st week of school. We will post those who have a list soon.)
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Construction Zone: Fencing has gone up between the middle and high school. Gunter Bond 2022 is in the beginning stages of mobilization for the GMS/GHS construction. For your safety, please do not enter that area. Bond Update Website: https://www.gisdbondprogress.com/
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Getting started early? Here is the GES Supply List for 2023-24. https://5il.co/1dd4p
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Don't forget about the GES/GMS Awards Assembly, tomorrow May 24th at the GHS Event Center. GES Awards: 8:30 AM | GMS Awards: 10:00 AM
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Awards Assembly
Many summer sport camps are offered by our Gunter ISD coaches. If you're interested in signing your child up, check out all of the camps here: https://www.gunterisd.org/page/summer-camps1
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Summer Athletic Sport Camps
The May issue of the Tiger Times has been published. Access it here: https://www.smore.com/jpf2v
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
LAST CALL if you want a Gunter ISD Special Olympics T-Shirt – the order is going in tomorrow afternoon, May 3rd. | $8, payable at pick-up cash or check (payable to Gunter ISD w/ Special Olympics in the notes line). | We will sort and deliver to the campuses on May 16th or you can pick up on Meet Day. Click here to order: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScwK7y2ck978YDtA9nkaxdwSuACSxEI6j7lVtVSlaFZsqVVXQ/viewform?usp=sharing | Thank you for supporting this awesome event. | Email Mr. Dodd if you have issues with the link: cdodd@gunterisd.org (Include Name, Campus, Shirt Size}
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
order special Olympic tshirt
Don't forget that today (May 2nd ) is the last day of early voting. Election day is May the 6th. Click here for voting locations. https://5il.co/1q810
over 1 year ago, Gunter ISD
Spring Forward - March 12th. Remember to move your clocks ahead an hour before you go to sleep! Enjoy your week!
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
Spring Forward
REMINDER: Gunter ISD will be IN School on Friday, 2/17. The day was set as a Health/Safety/Weather day, and now is a regular school day to make up the instructional time lost during the ice storm. Gunter ISD will be closed in observance of Presidents' Day on February 20th.
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
School on Friday 2/17 - No School Monday 2/20
Daddy daughter dance is coming up this Saturday, February 4th! Don't miss the fun! This event is sponsored by GIFT. Tickets can still be purchased at guntergift.com
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
daddy daughter dance poster
Attention: Wednesday, January 25 ... We have checked the roads and found them to be safe for driving. School at GISD will begin at regular time.
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
Softball is gearing up for their season! Help them in their fundraising efforts to purchase new equipment and uniforms by going to: guntertees.com and purchasing some GT Softball shirts. Orders must be placed by January 29th. Thanks for your support!
almost 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
Elementary Parents: We will be having a lock down drill at the elementary school at 10:30 AM today (January 6th). We are letting you know in advance to alleviate any sort of panic. Thanks!
about 2 years ago, Gunter ISD
Gunter Football Fans! YOU have an opportunity to share in the STATE experience by purchasing a ring just like the ones our team will be receiving! If you would like to order a ring, come up to the high school this morning (January 6th) at 9AM. The representative will be here to help with sizing and take orders. We don't have a final picture of the ring at the moment as they are putting the finishing touches on the design. Just know that it will be fabulous 🙂 This is not a fundraiser, it is just an opportunity for you to purchase a memento.
about 2 years ago, Gunter ISD