Want to know what's going on in Gunter ISD?

Gunter ISD is excited to announce that we adopted a new form of school-to-home communication called ParentSquare.
This unified communications platform is designed to keep parents and guardians informed and encourage greater engagement and connection with Gunter ISD. It provides a safe way for district administrators, school principals, teachers, staff, and parents to:
Mass notifications and Urgent Alerts
A mobile app (iOS and Android)
Teacher and classroom communication
Direct Messaging with two-way translation
Attendance notification
Social (Facebook and Twitter) and website share
Forms and Permission Slips
Appointment Sign Ups (parent-teacher conferences, etc.)
Calendar and event RSVPs
Volunteer sign-ups
And so much more!
In order to have a ParentSquare account, the user must be listed as a Parent/Guardian in Ascender Parent Portal. If you cannot log in to ParentSquare and are unsure of the information you have on file in Ascender Parent Portal, please contact your campus and they can help you. If updates are made in Ascender Parent Portal, the changes will show in ParentSquare the following day.
All contact information must be updated through Ascender Parent Portal and NOT directly through ParentSquare.
For new students who enroll during the school year, once enrollment is complete in Ascender Parent Portal, ParentSquare will sync with Ascender Parent Portal overnight and create ParentSquare accounts for each person listed as a Parent/Guardian for the student. The following day, the parent can go to ParentSquare.com or the ParentSquare app and register the new account using the email or phone number they have on file in Ascender Parent Portal.
Resources for Parents and Guardians
How to Log In To Parent Square
To log into ParentSquare, go to www.ParentSquare.com or download the ParentSquare app from your Apple or Google Play store.
Parents - Parents (must be listed as a Parent/Guardian in Ascender Parent Portal) will login with the email or phone number they have in Ascender Parent Portal. If logging in for the first time, you will need to select "Register Account" and enter your phone or email address.
Students - Seventh grade, eighth grade, and high school students (only) should download the StudentSquare app from their Apple or Google Play stores. Once they download the app, they will log in by clicking "sign in with Google".
Students will use their GISD Google Account email address to sign into their account. Students can customize their notifications to receive messages by email (default), text, and/or app. To receive texts, students also need to enter their cell phone number into their account settings after signing into the app.
Staff - Staff will select "Sign in with Google" to log in. Staff will use their GISD Google login to sign into their account.