Mrs. Christina Aleman

Mrs. Christina Aleman


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors in English, Minor in Speech Communication - University of Hawaii
Masters in Curriculum - University of Scranton

Welcome! I was born and raised in California and graduated from the University of Hawaii with a degree in English. I have been teaching for 20 years, 17 of those years in Texas. I am happily married and have three wonderful children. I am excited to continue my journey at GHS! Go Tigers!

If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at

Grading Policy

English III

Periods 4, 6, 8

English IV

Periods 1, 3, 5

50% - Daily 

50% - Quizzes/Tests (including formal papers)


In this course you will emphasize and refine the research, writing, and reading skills learned in prior academic years. A related goal is the development of critical thinking skills in both prose and poetry with a focus on American Literature.


You are expected to be in class on time, with all of your necessary materials ready to work.  You will also show respect to your fellow peers, your school, your teachers, and yourselves. Failure to follow these rules will result in disciplinary action to be determined by the teacher and/or administrator.


The class period is a structured format consisting of journal writing, class discussion, and individual or group assignments.  It is your responsibility to be prepared for each component of class every day. 


  • Notebook to be used for a class journal

  • 3X5 index cards

  • Always be prepared with a writing utensil and paper!!

  • Your WILLINGNESS to BE POSITIVE and provide your best EFFORT EVERYDAY!


Absences are unavoidable and we will miss you when you are not in class.  Upon your return to school, it is your responsibility to retrieve your make-up work and assignments and turn in any missed assignments. You will have three days to complete your make-up work for full credit. 


Plagiarism is the use of facts, opinions, and language, either all or in part, taken from another author without giving proper acknowledgment to the source.  This applies to book sources, online sources, family, and friends. Evidence of plagiarism will result in a zero for the assignment, a phone call home, and a referral to the office.

Since talking during an exam can be considered an act of cheating, an automatic zero will be given.  On daily assignments, your work is expected to be in your own words, even if you choose to work with a partner.  Evidence of cheating will result in zeros for all parties involved.  


Cellular and other portable devices as well as headphones are a privilege. I will not collect them from you each day; rather, will place the responsibility in your hands for your actions. Both devices may be used in class for instruction from time to time; however, when not used for instruction, you will NOT USE THEM FOR PERSONAL REASONS. Please see me if there is some dire need to use it. ABSOLUTELY NO PICTURES WILL BE TAKEN NOR PHONE CALLS MADE OR ACCEPTED 


Any student who brings in a box of tissue or a package of pens or pencils will receive 10 points extra credit to be used towards any first quarter grade. No more than 20 points will be given per student. All items must be turned in no later than August 30th. 

“Virtually nothing is impossible in this world if you put your mind to it and maintain a positive attitude” 

- Lou Holtz